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更新時間:2013-1-19 分享到:
延伸觀看:因果律(英文佛曲) Ballad of Earth Store(地藏王菩薩謠)釋迦牟尼佛之道(英文佛曲) Science & Buddhism 科學與佛教(英文歌曲全專輯)八正道(英文佛曲) 唵嘛呢叭唄吽(英文佛曲)
相關視頻:育因法師《華嚴經普賢行願品》 淨界法師《從生死此岸到涅槃彼岸》淨界法師《稱念佛號解除產難》 普門品偈(花鼓)√地鐘念佛(法懺法師領眾) 高僧傳奇:百丈懷海禪師(台語)李文發《存想攝心法》 慈容法師《儀制篇》佛門禮儀覺醒法師《玉佛問道-為什麼得病的人是我》 重慶羅漢寺妙法蓮花-觀音菩薩頌 華嚴經讚佛偈(楮訾念誦)
相關文章:稍得世間智一點皮毛,便以為大徹大悟了 受菩薩戒後,吃蛋犯什麼罪念佛方法持名為最 聖嚴法師《放鬆身心的妙方》出家人完全禁慾有三種原因 向菩薩求財不靈驗的原因偏執無生之理,輕視往生之事 《佛說觀無量壽佛經》中品下生邊地疑城往生 面相的好壞與心靈的善惡是相應的
視頻介紹:作詞:星雲法師 作曲:佛光紐約青年團 編曲:JS組合陳忠義 The time has come to realize,Without world peace we can't survive,Our past is one that's filled with war,Compassion is what we are looking for,It fills me up with so much hope,To realize how beautiful,This world could be without anger,Which drives us all against each other Let's promise to us , our hearts and souls With wisdom we can gain control That's why we sing this song to you Just don't lost faith we're here for you So hold on and harmonize all that is wrong And work for a peace which is strong And gain some respect for this earch For all of mankind we will serve Let's harmonize all that is wrong And work for a peace which is strong And gain some respect for this earch For all of mankind we will serve
上一部影片:感動是最美的世界(台語) 下一部影片:佛光山之歌